8th Iranian Monetary Policies Conference & 6th Iranian Economy Overview Conference

April 29, 2019

Rayzan Int'l Conference Center, Tehran, Iran

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About Conference

Donya-e-Eqtesad media group is up to holding the 8th Iranian Monetary Policies Conference & the 6th Iranian Economy Overview Conference simultaneously, bringing together experts, authorities & businessmen, in order to help its subscribers with making monetary, financial & business decisions; considering the close relations of the two conferences, we hope to help economy activists with an opportunity to find the right path to successful decisions by providing them with accurate analysis, suggesting solutions to solve constant challenges of Iran’s economy & entail forecasts of the four main markets: real estate, gold, exchange & foreign currencies throughout 1398 S.H.




Strategic Committee

Date & Venue

April 29, 2019

Rayzan Int'l Conference Center, Tehran, Iran


Participation & Sponsorship Fees

Conference Catalog

Exhibition Plan

Presentation Files

Photo Gallery

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