The Iran International Engineering Company (IRITEC)

History, Introduction & Services.

The goal of  establishment of this company was transferring technical knowledge  for construction of  steel   industry factories in country, which has resulted to establishment of Mobrakeh Steel Complex in 1360s (1980s)  as  its first  successful step.

Thereafter, in 1370s (1990s), IRITEC as the    first  contractor  in   EPC   projects,  steel,  mine, oil, and  gas  industries has implemented the  industrial  projects by using the latest global technology  and  fulfilled  its  main  mission  in country, which  was training  engineers  and  internal  developers and contractors.

We witness  many  great  projects  in  the  service report  of  IRITEC  including construction  of  Hormozgan Steel Complex Plant, Khorasan Steel Making Expansion, Tabas Coal Mine & Coal Washing Plant, Mobrakeh   Steel Complex Material Handling Expansion Plant, AMAK Plant (Bangestan Gas Gathering), and many other mother industrial factories in country.

With more than four decades of  dominant activity and  experience  in   industrial arena  of  country, IRITEC  has become a national self-beliving symbol with the following unique advantages:

• Employment of hundreds of experts in different areas among the internal elite engineers and managers

•The only company with complete engineering knowledge in the steel chain of country

•Holding two registered companies in Italy and Germany in order to supply required equipment for projects from the high-tech manufacturers

•One of the five companies with the license for designing and constructing direct reduction units by Midrex method in the world,  and construction of most DRI plants in IRAN,  which has promoted IRAN to the first rank of the world in production of DRI

The application of different kinds of steel products in other industries made steel and related industries a major industry. These products are used as raw material or in the manufacturing of industrial facilities and...

May 9-11, 2022

Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran

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