About Conference
Different kinds of non-ferrous metals such as Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Zinc, and Gold are among the widely used raw materials in the base and strategic industries. Optimized usage and creating value-added from these metals’ resources are applicable by innovative and strategic plans. These metals industries are an ideal opportunity for exporting and absorbing foreign currencies. A remarkable example of this fact is that exporting copper products increased to more than a doubled amount in the previous year.
The necessity of focusing on these industries, the successful experience of holding “Iran Non-Ferrous Industries Market & Related Technologies Conference & Expo” for previous two years, and the audiences’ feedback explaining that the presented content was useful, Donya-e-Eqtesad Media Group decided to hold the event for the third time in cooperation with National Iranian Copper Industries Company. The goal of holding such an event is to create an opportunity for the prominent effective sides: government, private sector, and domestic and international associations to exchange their ideas and information. Hopefully, the goal will be achieved by the cooperation between all the effective sides.
Regarding the recent situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, holding the conference will be pursuant to the rules and protocols that will be announced in those days. Considering the pandemic perspective presented by the experts, the event will be held in a combination of in-person and online. Speakers and CEOs and managing directors of sponsors will participate in the event in-person and mid-level managers and experts will attend the conference online. Donya-e-Eqtesad Media Group has anticipated equivalent services to the ones provided last year. These measures guarantee the event fulfills its duties professionally as well as maintaining health.
Conference's main themes are as mentioned below:
- Surge in Production, Sustainable and Balanced Development, and Removing Obstacles
- Exploration & Innovational Exploration Activities, Guarantee for Mines’ Dynamicity and Duration
- Small and Medium-Size Mines, Revival and Investment
- Indigenization, Exploiting the Potentials in Domestic Production and Technology Development, Start-Ups and Knowledge-based Companies
- Evaluation of Non-ferrous Industries Share in GNP, Completion of Production Chain and Necessity of Risk Reduction in Investments
- Variation in Global Economics and Non-ferrous Industries Market, Absorbing Foreign Exchange and Sanctions
- Social Responsibilities of Mining and Industrial Companies
- COVID-19, Post COVID-19 Era and the Non-ferrous Metals Market
- A Survey on the Macrostructure of Industry, Mine, and Trade Management in the Country
- Production Balance, Domestic Consumption, and Export of Non-Ferrous Metals
Jochen Petersen's Speech Topic:
Heap Leaching of Copper Ores Opportunity through Science
Carlos R. Risopatron's Speech Topic:
Global Copper Trend Value Chain: Recent Data and Trends in 2020
Challenges in the Non-Ferrous Metals Market
- The Significance of Exploration in The Development of Non-Ferrous Metal Industries
- Investigating the Responsibility and Macro-Management of Exploration in the Country
- The Revival of Small & Medium-Sized Mines, Challenges & Opportunities
Behrouz Rahmati's Speech Topic:
Sustainable Development of Iran Copper Industry; Challenges & Opportunities
Yousef Joze Piri's Speech Topic:
Challenges & Opportunities for Development
Expert Round Table's Topic:
Challenges & Opportunities for Development
- The Problems Aroused from the Sanction In The Implementation Procedure of Development Plans
- The Influence of Domestic Inflation and Volatility of Exchange Rate on the Plans Implementation
- The Overview of Worldwide Price, Supply & Demand of Copper
- Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid, and Chemical Fertilizers (Opportunities and Challenges)
- Optimization of Energy Carrier Consumption

Shahriar Motevakkel's Speech Topic:
Challenges in Explorations of New Copper & Related Components Deposits
Expert Round Table's Topic:
Challenges in Explorations of Non-Ferrous Metals Deposits
- Exploration of New Mineral Deposits, as a Guarantee for Maintaining and Continuing Production
- Surveying the Global Demand Trend for Copper and Other Basic Metals
- Challenges in Explorations of New Non-Ferrous Metals Deposits
- Challenges of Rule and Regulations
- A Decrease in the Conversion Rate of Explored Deposits to Active Mines, Reasons and Factors
Alireza Talari's Speech Topic:
A Review on Iran's Gold Comprehensive Plan
Expert Round Table's Topic:
Devising of Iran’s Gold Comprehensive Plan
- A Study on Devising of Iran’s Gold Comprehensive Plan
- Supply and Demand, A Survey on Gold and Gemstone Markets
- CBI’s Strategies and Their Effects on Gold Industry
- Import and The Necessity of Investment in Required Chemicals for Production Lines
- Safety, Environment, and Green Mines

Iran’s Aluminum Industry Review
- The Outlook on Supply of Raw Materials (Import and Domestic Resources), Exploration Development
- A Survey on The Plan of Increasing Aluminum Production Capacity, Opportunities and Threats
- The Balance between Supply and Demand, Domestic Sale (Iran Mercantile Exchange)
- Continuation and Development of Export in Sanction Era
- The Necessity of Investment in Down-Stream Industries, Increase of Added-Value

Masoud Rezaeizadeh's Speech Topic:
The Role of Knowledge-Based Enterprises in Indigenization and Technology Development in Industries
Hasan Sahraei Parizi's Speech Topic:
A Comparison between Productions, Costs, and Energy Consumptions of Sarcheshmeh Complex in the year of 97 & 98 and Mines and Factories around the World and Estimating the Effect of Energy Price Increase on Costs
Mohamad Mokmeli's 1st Speech Topic:
Technical Comparison of Copper Extraction from Low-Grade Chalcopyrite Ores by Pyrometallurgical and Hydrometallurgical Methods
Reza Shokrizadeh's Speech Topic:
Economic Estimation based on the Prediction of Flow Efficiency and Setting Priority of the Effective Input and Process Parameters in It, Using Penalty-Based and Least Angle Regression Methods in Sarcheshmeh Refinery
Mohamad Mokmeli's 2nd Speech Topic:
Economic Comparison of Extraction of Copper from Low-Grade Chalcopyrite Ores by Pyrometallurgical and Hydrometallurgical Methods

Mohammad Reza Ebrahim Nejad's Speech Topic:
Technological Training Opportunities, Global Trends, Challenges & Opportunities
Mohsen Yahyaei's Speech Topic:
Upgrading Low-Grade Minerals Using the Intelligent Processing Circuits
Expert Round Table's Topic:
Human Resource Training in Confronting with Future Challenges and Problems of Mining Production

Monitoring Iran’s Lead & Zinc Comprehensive Plan
- Requirements and Solutions to Continuation and Growth in Production
- Productivity Increase and Production Costs Reduction
- Challenges and Opportunities in Lead and Zinc Export
- The Necessity of Revision and Studying on Laws and Rules
- The Requirement of Investment Development in Down-Stream Industries

Mostafa Zeidabadi Nejad's Speech Topic:
Crisis Management in Mines and Mineral Processing Industries
Expert Round Table's Topic:
Crisis Management in Mines and Mineral Processing Industries

Mohamad Javad Khalili's Speech Topic:
A Review on NICICO’s Performance in the Field of Social Responsibility
Ahmad Mohammadi Dehej's Speech Topic:
Social Responsibility Measures Taken by Shahr Babak Copper Complex
Hossein Tohidi's Speech Topic:
Analysis of the Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Expert Round Table's Topic:
A Review on NICICO’s Performance in the Field of Social Responsibility

Strategic Committee
Date & Venue
January 4-6, 2021
Olympic Hotel, Tehran, Iran
Participation & Sponsorship Fees

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